Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday Funday

Whew, that week flew by!  Thank goodness we had an off day today.

Not too much happened on Saturday at training.  Most of it was recapping the week, but we did get to go through CPR training.  Now, I realize that this training is also necessary, but I must say, every single CPR class I have been to has been quite hilarious.  By this I mean the videos are filled with terrible actors, making for a very comical reenactment, and the dummies we get to practice on are nothing short of HOTTTTIES.  (Note the sarcasm.  These things look less like humans than --insert clever noun here--.)  Anyways, I couldn't pass up a photo-op with Jorge, so here is my baby.
Sexxxxxyyyy right??

Next, we had our packing party.  Now, I didn't get a picture of the basement where we conducted most of our training, but this floor is big enough to have an entire an entire banquet room, and a small parking lot.  The AJGA does park their vehicles, all 20+ of them, inside when available.  So, the half used for the parking lot, that was all full of gear to be packed into 4 trailers.  This daunting sight was greeting us every day, morning, afternoon and night, mocking us with our future task: packing the dang trailer.  This picture only shows what went in my team's trailer.

Let's just say, after this internship, if you need help moving, don't call me.  I'm going to be sick of packing.  I'll be a pro at it, but won't do it unless you pay me well.  Or Mom and Dad make me.  Yep, I'm 22 years old, but when the 'rents are paying your rent, (A.K.A. letting me live at home for free), you tend to do what they ask.
Here's the finished product though!  There were three teams all helping each other, and it took each trailer less than an hour.  We will get to do this every week, unpacking and repacking, but those times will just be the six of us teammates.
Inside of the trailer - pretty spacious right?

When we were all done with the packing, we practiced driving with a full trailer, and we needed to get the trailers wash.  We took them to an AutoSpa about 15 minutes away from the AJGA headquarters, and had them washed.  30 bucks later, the trailer looked exactly the same, but I guess it was cleaner...we were all joking that we're all low on cash, and if AJGA had asked us to do it for 10 bucks or even 5, heck we'd do it for a free piece of pizza, we would have jumped on board.  It's not our money we're spending though, so not a problem.

Pretty tight!

We finished up around 5:20 that night, went out for dinner, and then hung out with the other teams that night.  Let's just say, it was a lot of fun, and I wish we had a few more nights out on the town together.  There are some really great people interning this spring.

Today, we were able to sleep in!  AND we had the day off.  We took full advantage of it.  Slept until 11 or 12, had a massive lunch at Five Guys Burgers and Fries (Yum!), then did absolutely nothing besides our laundry, watch Tiger win at Bay Hill, and watch my Final Four bracket become pretty much perfect (save for Mizzou...what a joke).  We all had our first group experience at a laundry mat.  They were short on chairs, so Aaron became creative.

Laundry took about an hour and a half, and then we headed to the Mall of Georgia so I could purchase a new iPhone cover.  My took a tumble this week, and needed to be replaced.  Goodbye Kate Spade polka dot, hello super jumbo protection Otter Box.  Not so stylish, much more protective.  I need to take good care of my investments.

We all just chilled at the hotel for the remainder of the afternoon, and then headed to dinner.  The pizza place we were going to go to ended up being closed (not for the day, for good) so we ended up going to Fire House Subs.  Delicious!! For those of you who don't know, they are kind of similar to Quizno's, but much more goodies on top.  Great choice for dinner.  However, I do have a feeling that I am going to be real tired of eating out, and sandwiches.  Trying to eat healthy!

 Going to get to bed soon.  Leaving tomorrow for Savannah at 11! Can't wait to get to the coast city and see more of Georgia.

The whole crew - 3 teams! In front of headquarters

Team 2 Represent! Back Row - Teddy, Aaron, Max
Front Row - Ben, Me, Ally

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