Monday, March 19, 2012

First Day of Training!

Training has officially begun!

We hit the ground running this morning, waking up early and heading straight to the AJGA headquarters in Braselton, Georgia.  I have to admit, I was in awe this morning.  I don't know if it is being in a new place with new people, or the fact that I have never been to this state before, but I felt like it was probably one of the most beautiful places I've seen in awhile.

Now, I know that sounds pretty cliche, but come on, it is pretty gorgeous here.  Don't worry, I'll have a picture for you all soon.  I'm not the best with descriptions, and I think if I tried to give you a description you might have a visual of something similar to Pocatello...not quite what I'm going for.

Anyway, after a long travel day yesterday and a struggle sleeping last night (due to the time change and perhaps the fact that I was the most nervous/excited I've been since my first collegiate basketball game), I was eager to get started this morning.  It was a long day: we departed from the hotel at 8:15, (and for those of you who were wondering, I did NOT get my butt up and go exercise this morning) arrived at the headquarters around about 8:25, and got right to work.

We were given an overview of the internship, kind of what to expect, what we will be doing, rules and regulations of the course, and safety.  Safety was a really prominent issue, mostly because we are all young adults, and we will be driving two huge vehicles, one with a 16-foot trailer.  Especially with how consuming technology is today - people spend more time on their phones than actually looking at the road.

After the overview, we had a drug test.  Of course I completely forgot about this little stop on the schedule, and was a little dehydrated.  Oh well, it all worked out in the end, and I was very happy to find that the woman administering the drug test did not have to actually watch me pee.  Before you gasp in disgust, you might want to know that this was protocol for drug tests with the NCAA.  I remember, every single time we had a drug test for basketball, one of the female trainers had to watch me drop my drawers and pee in that lovely little Pepsi cup.  Needless to say, I was very happy to have my privacy this time around.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful.  Just a lot of learning, and my brain is hurting as a result.  There are so many people that help make this organization run smoothly, and it takes so much work.  We learned about the rules and officiating of golf, and all the ins and outs of the communications department.  I am very excited to work with all of the social media, photography, and blogs, and even more excited to finally be able to use a little part of my major.  I'm on the right track!

Long day tomorrow.  Driving lessons tomorrow : ) can't wait!

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