Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I have a new obsession...well a few actually: Pinterest and Instagram.  Totally and completely, 100% obsessed.

I first desired my obsession for social media and useless time-wasting things when I was in the fifth or sixth grade.  Here, it was AOL Instant Messenger.  Depending on how many cyber conversations you could carry on at once, your "cool" status either improved or took a beating.  I had at most, six or seven conversations at once with other fellow AIMers - 6th graders too shy to talk to each other at school, but were very chatty behind the cyber wall.  This obsession lasted maybe about seven months.  After that, I think my mother so annoyed with the little ding! that accompanies every message, so I was forced to lose interest and go play outside.

My next social media obsession: MySpace.  Totally old-school and a great time-wasting tool.  I think I spent more time worrying about my profile song or background than I was about my test the next morning.  OK, this isn't true, (I was ridiculously studious), but I did spend waaaaay too much time on this website.  I was even late to the show!  Probably found out about this new "social media" craze about six months after it happened, and I was eager to catch up.  Then came Facebook.

No need to explain Facebook.  This social media outlet is so popular every generation is joining in, and businesses are cashing in on the popularity.  Why didn't I come up with an idea like this?? Oh yeah, because I didn't go to MIT.

Lately, I have been hearing about Pinterest.  Mostly from wedding-crazy brides or eager home decorators, but regardless, I decided to give it a whirl.  It's a giant bulletin board!!! (Try to be as excited as three exclamation points require).  An endless expanse of, hairstyles, makeup, home decor, arts and crafts, wedding ideas, and my personal favorite, quilts.  I have spent a bit of time on Pinterest, but I don't believe it has all been a waste as I have found so many new quilting ideas that I believe a few of my friends and family members will benefit from.  So, you're welcome.  I expect a thank you card shortly.

And this afternoon, I finally tapped into this gold mine Instagram.  Apparently, it's an iPhone app, and apparently, it is a personal beautifier.  Everyone, or should I say, every girl, that I have seen use this app has created the cutest pictures.  I was stumped.  What was this Instagram thing??
Finally, I had the common sense to Google it.  It sent me right to my new obsession.  Rarely do I take pictures with my iPhone of just myself, but I wanted to try this thing out and see what it could do.  So here is my product of the day.  This took under 30 seconds to edit.  A little red/pink, but I like it.

I have seen some really cool skyline pictures and outdoor/nature pictures with it too.  I can't wait to try it out some more.

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