Saturday, March 10, 2012

Shopping Woes

I have definitely enjoyed the last couple of days of nothingness.  But surprisingly, for not having much to do, I have been pretty busy.  Funny how that works out.
Thursday started with a hair appointment.  Now, most understand that if you get your hair highlighted or colored, you do so about every two to three months, depending on the type of treatment.  Well, this girl decided to wait about six whole months.  Big mistake!! I figured since I was working all the time and had my hair up anyway, why pay the money to get it done?  For future reference, pay the money, because when you wait six months, your hair looks nasty.  Needless to say, I learned my lesson.  Thanks Chris for fixing my bad judgement.

After my haircut and highlight, I felt so much better.  Isn't it funny how some of the most simple things can put you in the best mood?  

My week of sweet nothings couldn't have been off to a better start.  That night, I was able to go out with a couple of my friends that night, sporting my new 'do.  (Most universities are going on spring break this week, and most of my Spokane friends are leaving for fabulous places, like Whistler, Boston or I jealous?  YES!)  Anyways, we all met for trivia at Soulful Soups and spent the night drinking beer.  Do you know how some trivia nights are so ridiculously hard that it's not even fun?  Or the ones that you pretty much depend on your smart phone for any of the answers?  Well, this trivia night was right in the middle.  They didn't allow smart phones first of all, which was nice, and the questions were of moderate difficulty, so it was still challenging, but fun.

My shining moment was blurting out "The Superbowl!" when the question, "What's the second-largest food consumption day behind Thanksgiving?" was asked.  In dead silence remind you, so everyone heard.  Along with my friend Kelsey, so it was twice as loud.  You're welcome, Soulful Soups trivia players.

It was a fun night with great people, and a nice way to have my last night out.  Although, there is still a week left, and a seven nights to cause a ruckus in downtown Spokane...
Friday, my mom and I were supposed to have a marathon shopping trip, a fun day spending some of my restaurant tip cash on stylish, modern, fun clothes.  Well, we had a marathon shopping trip all right, just not quite what I had in mind.  Usually, when I go shopping I look for stylish, modern clothes that fit my figure well.  Much to my dismay, this was not what I would end up buying.

Earlier Friday morning, moments before we were to leave for our epic day of shopping, I decided to check my email.  There hadn't been any scheduled quizzes for AJGA, so I had left my email alone for a few days.  When I looked, I found my packing list for my upcoming internship.  And I was not excited about what I read:

What to bring:
3-4 additional golf attire outfits
1 nice golf attire outfit
1 (1!!!!????) pair of jeans 

And the list went on.  I guess I probably should have anticipated that we would need to bring our own golf attire as we are going to be working on club golf courses every single day.  However, in my ignorance, I thought that we would either always be in the uniform AJGA provided, or in our own clothes.  And so, my shopping day began.  Instead of shopping for stylish clothes, I was looking for polos.  Do you know how hard it is to find a polo today?  First of all, no one in their right mind wears them anymore EXCEPT on the golf course, and, there is not a single polo that is made for a woman with a long torso.  So, most of the polos I tried on hit me at my belly button.  Unless they change the dress codes at most courses, I don't think showing a midriff will be allowed anytime soon.

So here is a picture of all of my adorable golf clothes.  I was NOT happy, but, alas, I need to look the part.  I think I did a good job finding some suitable golf clothes.  Thanks Mom for helping me!  I think I will represent the AJGA very well with my new purchases, and to be honest, buying golf clothes started to get me very excited for my upcoming adventure, and I can't wait to get started.

Anyway, about one week until I leave.  Just going to relax and prepare for the tough road ahead : )

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