Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Louisiana...who would have thought

Louisiana is officially one of my favorite foreign places. 

Purple flowers (name unknown) at Squire Creek
Yes, you read that right.  Foreign.  At least to me.  Most of the places I have visited on this internship have been different from anything I have known for most of my life.  It’s warm and sunny in March, BBQ means more than hot dogs and burgers, mosquitos are the state bird (in more than one case), and instead of mountains, lakes and pine trees, there are flat cornfields, barren deserts, and palm trees.  But, after spending a week at the Lodge, eating the finest Cajun within three counties, and really getting to experience my hair in humidity, Louisiana is where its at.

I know you’re dying to know – but no, I was unable to fulfill my goal of ingesting frog legs.  I’m almost to the point where I’m just going to catch a frog myself and fry it up on the side of the road.  I could add a side of armadillo, as there have been no shortages of those dead on the road.  It would already be cooked too, after roasting in the 85-degree heat for who knows how long.  I will refrain from this obviously impulsive action, and I vow to wait until I return to the south to eat some proper frog legs, with perhaps a side of potato salad.
Sunrise off No. 18

The tournament went really well.  Save for one junior who didn’t show up on the second day (we are still trying to figure out what happened to them), the tournament was a success.  I can tell I am becoming much more comfortable with everything, as it seems to take about half the time for me to get all of my work done. We had tee times an hour earlier this tournament (at 7:30 am as opposed to 8:30), and yet I was finished with everything as early as 6:30 that evening.  It felt like we had an entire half-day off.  I’m telling you, it messes with your head when you get off work before it’s dark.  It tricks you into thinking it’s much earlier than it is. 

And so naturally, I never went to bed earlier than 10:30.

Strawberry Beer! Only in Louisiana : )
Our team this week was awesome.  Annie, our Tournament Director, gave us as much time as possible off, and we still managed to get everything done early.  I love being efficient!  It also helped that the staff at Squire Creek was really helpful; they were always coming by headquarters asking if there was anything they could help with, if we wanted anything to drink…it must be my celebrity status.  That’s the only reason I could think of why they were so kind!  Then I started to notice they treat everyone like that….sooooo I guess they are just really great people : )

Now we are traveling to our last tournament, and the AJGA is sending us out with a bang.  We are driving to Chicago, about 13 ½ hours, and we are staying in a resort about an hour outside of the city.  A resort!  AND we have a day off!  On top of that, we have some tickets to a White Sox game, and I believe we might have a chance to take a train into the city for some of the day Wednesday.  I have been to Chicago once before, in December of 2011, and so I only was able to experience the cold, the wind, and the snow.  I’m excited to see a livelier Chi-Town.

On our travels to the great state of Illinois, we drove through six whole states!  Started in Louisiana, moved onto Arkansas, then Mississippi, Tennessee, Missouri and Illinois.  Ally and I tried to grab photos of all of the state signs, but we narrowly missed Arkansas.  Twice.  Oh well!

Route from Louisiana to Chicago

Can’t believe this is my last week.  It has gone by so fast, and it has been such a great experience.  I really hope that they choose me as a summer intern!! Only time will tell…

Second State - We missed Arkansas

Third State! Stopped in Memphis for the BEST BBQ
Nothing in this state...looked the same all the way through
Finally made it to Illinois!
I got to see a familiar face! Kristen is one of my best
friend's little sisters.  She is a shot-put thrower at
the University of Illinois in Champaign.

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